Tuesday 22 November 2016

Karl Marx

Rothschilds Third Cousin

Silence Is Betrayal: Who Was Karl Marx?

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 25 May 2012

4th Chapter reported by Kakangeliou concerning “SY.RIZ.A”

«… and Tsipras (leader of “SY.RIZ.A”) wedlocked Peristeran Baziana resident in the municipality of Karditsa, a communist supporter of the Jude Karl Maldohai or Mardohaiiou or Marx._ life long dogma of Peristera being: «either party or to the ground»._
Peristera being the daughter of Achilles Bazianas, resident in the municipality of Karditsa, a communist supporter of the Jude Karl Maldohai or Mardohaiiou or Marx._ life long dogma of Achilles Bazianas being: «either party or to the ground»._

Father of Achilles Bazianas was Kostas Bazianas, resident in the municipality of Karditsa, a communist supporter of the Jude Karl Maldohai or Mardohaiiou or Marx._ life long dogma of Kostas Bazianas being: «either party or to the ground». 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 21 January 2016

Fifteen-hundred-thousand indigenous Greek civilians of Asia Minor were genocided-massacred and the same number were rescued refugees, barely alive when they arrived on Greek soil in 1922.  This is how the Hebrew Holstein-Glucksburg ‘’Kings’’ and ‘’Princes’’ brought about extinction of the Greek populations in Asia Minor.  They used a covert agreement/collusion with Turkish–Hebrew Kemal Attaturk along with the hostile, anti-hellenic forces of ‘’Andant’’, England, France, and Russia.  Since 1917, Russia was already changed into a soviet state by the Jewish ‘’Revolution’’ of the Hebrew-Mongols Marx (Mardohai) and Lenin, against the
White Russian Scythian pelasgian races of Russia and the already present in Russia
White pelasgian Scandinavian Vikings or ‘’ Russ’’. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 10 July 2011

So wake up from your Hebrew-Masonic communist sleep of "Karl Marx or Mardochai" and face the cold logical truth.  History is judged from the result.  And the result is that today Greece with the help of the so called "good democratic" governments is close to bankruptcy and complete annihilation. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Before the end of First World War in 1918, namely in 1917, the Hebrews of Russia together with the Mongols of Russia overthrew the Tsar of Russia.  Mainly through the Hebrew Joseph Ju-(Jew)ghashvili Vissarionovich or “Stalin”, tens of millions of White Pelasgian Russian Scythians were annihilated in a purely racist and pseudo-class-struggle genocide.  Theoretician writer of the pseudo-class-struggle in Communist theory was the rabbi-kid Charles Mardochaios or Mardochai (Murdoch) or “Marx”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 08 November 2012

Nazis of 1930-1945 and todays neo-Nazi Golden Dawns of London and Greece are puppets of Dragonian China, which in turn is controlled by the left hand path of hyper-lodge Hong, namely the Black Brotherhood of Mongolian Tibet (Tamil Forces).  Karl Haushoffer was initiated into the Tamil Buddhism of Tibet (Zen), Zen of Japan (Green Dragons obedient to Hong), and Golden Dawn Berlin.  He was also a geopolitical brain of Nazism, masonic teacher of Hitler, and a black magician invocator of Draconian demonic 4D spirits.

Ignatius Timothy Trebitsch-Lincoln (Hebrew Lincoln Von Trebits) was initiated as a mandarin of the highest Masonic Chinese overlodge, Hong/Hung (See book: Nazism Secret Society).  In 1920, he saved the life of a fellow Nazi, Hitler.  For similar protective reasons, Hong provided Tibetan Zen Monks as a security garrison to the Nazis, although they were executed as "enemy spies" by the Soviets in 1945. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 14 October 2011

Steve Jobs had very close relations with all the mystical theory and practice (magick) the of reptilian Chinese and their genetic relatives.  Back in 1980, Jobs was just another guy.  Latterly however, he was considered visionary because of the Macintosh and a model of PC that was far more advanced than others of that time.  When the model failed due to high cost, Jobs left Macintosh as a loser.

Fascinated by Buddhism, he went on a trip, possibly to Tibet.  Upon returning to America, Jobs went directly to the Los Altos Zen Center in California and was incarcerated there before becoming known as Techno Buddhist.  After becoming a Zen Buddhist with teacher Roshi Kokun Chino who was trained in the mountains of Japan, Jobs bought the graphic part of the Lucas Arts and created Pixar; perhaps the most successful company to make animation movies.  Pixar's films that have been impressed upon the minds of children across the world e.g. Toy Story, Nemo, etc..

Jobs returned to Mac. in 1996, very different from when he left.  Now he was an adept versed in the magic of Tibetan Lamas and no longer a wayward fat American.  He took to wearing the same sports specific clothes, such as a black turtleneck (of Cronus notation) with jeans.  Jobs was ready to become a little god, influencing the lives of millions.  His fans possibly more fanatical than religionists, dressing like their leader, as devout followers should.  Meanwhile, Job's devices constantly monitor millions of people, and he subsequently passed into history as a "great visionary" of the century.

What did Jobs do in Tibet and into what was he initiated?  What was he taught and why did he return as a messiah to Mac?  Why was his teacher a great mystic.  Why did Jobs choose the Cronian style of clothing (noticed on Greek theosophists)?  What was agreed and what did Jobs give in return for his unexpected success after failure? What was the deal with you know who? 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 27 August 2010

The Satanic oath is a promise to do whatever is possible to destroy and breakup the “National Families” aka Nation States, in order replace them with the global Government or Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Zion/Sion/Sina/China and the  hyper-State of the planetary Chinese dictatorship aka Empire of Sin/Sinai/Sion/Sina/China/Jehovah.  The lie rests in the further claim that this will stop wars between nations, promoting international peace or the “Pax Sinica” of Sin/Sion/Sina/China.

It is self-evident that the social damage done in achieving this is much bigger than that caused by the wars between families and nations.  Nevertheless, duplicitous ancient and new religious and Masonic priesthoods proceeded to provoke all the wars of the planet; though “oracles and prophecies” given to them by invisible colluding entities/spirits/demons, namely lunar Dragonian space invaders of the second dimension of matter rarification. 

Lunar Dragonian demons genetically engineered the Chinese “Terrestrial Dragonians” or “Dragons” in honour of
  • the “Draco Constellation” as the place of origin of the Moon, and the
  • ousting of the Andromedian Whites' “Gods” of Zeus and the Sirian Blacks' “Gods” of Sirius. 
From 9,600 B.M.H.C. (Before Mongol Hebrew Christ), they then began to impersonate and besmirch all the “Gods” they had ousted, with purpose to deviously humiliate them by doing villainous deeds and provoking civil wars.  Many scientists of the ousted ones were subordinated and finally mutated into “Dodecatheists”, namely Christians, Judeans, Islamists/Muslims, and other Asiatic and Masonic priesthoods of the hierarchy: Hong => Zen => AOA + OTO => MTM.

Lunar Dragonian demons play essential roles in all Masonries and Christian religions as “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael” and “Gabriel” etc..  They also role-played as bad demons after the organisation of English Masonry in the 17th Century.  Lunar Dragonians were the demonic spirits that provoked and ordered conduct of all European civil wars between Andromedian White race nations after the 17th century, including the first and second world wars, and the ongoing third world war of the twenty-first Century. 

1.  On the meaning of the word God => “Thew” => Run or fly extremely fast in the sky/space. 
2.  Concerning people who lived on Earth before arrival of the moon, Selene, see:
Writings on the “Argeans – Arcadians, pre-Selenes” by the ancient geographer Pausanias.
“Comparative Mythology” by Raymond Drake, on arrival of the Moon in about 11,500 B.MH.C. (Before Mongol Hebrew Christ).
“Secrets of the Moon” by Soviet academics Vasin and Scherbakov. 
3.  Examples of characters role-played by Dragonian demons in support of religious polarity policy: Metatron, Asmodai, “Michael”, “Gabriel”, “Urinael”, and 33,000 lunar demons of Asiatic religions. 
4.  On the “Draco Constellation” as the constellation of the Moon’s origin, read:
Hellenic Mythology – Mito – Logy (Mitos - Ariadne’s Clew), “Perseus” in favour of the “Constellation of Andromeda” and against the “Constellation of Draco”, Herodotus Z’61, Ferekides (Apollonius Rhodius Comments D’1091), Sophocles – Euripides, Eratosthenes “Catasterismi - placings among the stars”, Yginos “Poetic Astronomy”. 
5.  On civil wars, consider: Achaean Hellenes against Trojan Hellenes, and Hellenic cities against other Hellenic cities.} 

Lunar Dragonian Demons “Asmodai”, “Metatron”, “Michael”, and “Gabriel” and the rest, created the Dragonian Yellow Chinese-Korean race that attacks the White and Black races.  After genociding the White men of “Yunnan” (Hellenic Ionia Southern China), the Chinese and Koreans of Southern China and Korea raped the White women, producing the rabid White-Yellow Mongolian “Doberman” annihilators of Hellenes and other White Andromedians: Turks; Albanians; Bulgarians; Hebrews; Saxons; Hungarians; and rest Mongols (Mogilalians).

Since 9,600 B.MH.C, these Mogilalians have provoked all civil and other wars [Read “Timaeus” and “Critias” by Plato about the global civil war between Hellas and Atlantis in 9,600 B.MH.C. and “Comparative Mythology” by Raymond Drake for “Corruption of Atlantis by the small Yellow Masters (Chinese)”], with purpose being:
  • ongoing break-up of White and Black Nations 
  • unification and burgeoning of China and Korea for absolute and terminal Dragonian world hegemony
  • complete genocide of White and Black nations by China and Korea in World War III.  
Lunar Dragonian Demons, that is space Satans and devils, operate a hierarchy set up by Dragonians “Metatron”, “Asmodai”, etc.: “HONG” => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM.  They do this through the spiritual sessions and invocations of stupid Masons: Chinese; Tibetans; HebrewSaxons of “AOA – OTO” London; and, ethnic Masonries of the ethnic(“gentile”) “Grand Orients, MTM”.  By this means, all wars of the planet have been provoked, using subordinate demonic Dragonian spirits and Ethnic Masonries, Hebrew, and Saxon Mongols: Presidents; Kings; Emperors; Ministers; and Generals of all states of the planet.

The same Dragonians - space Chinese arch-Saatans, arch-annihilators of the White and Black nations of the planet - falsely and deviously demonize the White and Black nations for 11.600 years of wars (9,600 + 2,000).  Their ethnic Masonries and Mongol Hebrew and Saxon Governors of White and Black nations then break-up and destroy the nations as allegedly “guilty” and “responsible” for all the war and corruption.  Now falsely blamed, the demonized nations are labelled “666” and face calls for their punishment i.e.  complete annihilation in World War Three, codenamed “Armageddon”.  The annihilators are to be the Dragonian Chinese “888”, Koreans “777”, and suicidal traitor Mongol Hebrews “666” and Saxons “666” (evil resident "elites").  Inside spiritual sessions of Masonic lodges, elites pose falsely and deviously as God's
  • “executive annihilators of warmongering White and Black nations”, and 
  • "final and terminal executive governors of the planet and pacifist global rulers of 'The Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sina/China'!” 

“Yellow space Chinese” “archangels” of the Dragonian “god-dragon” Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah and mutineer Andromedian “god” Savit/Savaoth/Sabaoth/Cronus, incite World War III or “Armageddon” for complete genocide of White and Black nations, in order to punish the for allegedly “provoking all wars in human history, including first and second world wars”.  G.H.Rees tells us it is mathematically and irrevocably proven that
  • these wars have already resulted in partial genocide of White and Black nations and 
  • were incited, programmed, and provoked by the “gods” and “archangels” through their ancient and new priesthoods, religions and secret societies and Masonic lodges (HONG => ZEN => AOA+OTO => MTM).  

Demons, subordinate to and under the influence of “gods” and “archangels”, are invoked in spiritual sessions by dirty criminal priesthoods (Masons, priests, and Satanic Monks of the Dragonian ass) who
  • experience visions, inspirations of the 'spirit of god', and 
  • other parapsychological Dragonian Satanic “shows”, such as displays of
    • “good angels 888” and/or colluding
    • “bad demons 666” of the nonexistent “Satan”. 
The “second Satanic face” is of the “God of the Dragonian Peace” or Pax-Dragonian or Pax Sinica or “Kingdom of Jehovah/Sin/Sion/Sinai/Sina/China”.  The space Chinese Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi is not only over bad demons but also his colluding good angels. 

The Dragonian Chinese space invaders roleplay as “gods”, “archangels”, “Angels 888 ▲+ “, and colluding “Demons 666▼- “.  They operate through earthly priesthoods and Masonic lodges of the hierarchy (“HONG => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM”) and armies of Yellow race Chinese-Koreans, and White-Yellow semi-Dragonian Mongols (Hebrews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Hungarians, Finns, Bavarian, and other Mongols, as Kings, presidents, prime ministers, ministers of White and Black nations).  They provoke ignition of the programmed third world war or “Armageddon” (See “John’s Revelation” IF’ (16) 16:12-14, 16” of the “New Testament”):
(12.)  “And the sixth (Dragonian) Angel (888, of Sin/Sion/Sinai/Jedi/Sedi/Jed/Jeid/Jude/Judas/pseudo-Jehovah/pseudo-Being) poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; (in Iraq) and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the (Chinese) kings of the east (coming from the east) might be prepared.
(13.)  And I saw three unclean spirits (Demons 666) like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon (Dragonian Sin/Sion/pseudo-Jehovah, falsely impersonating Zeus), and out of the mouth of the beast (“Neo-Byzantine Constantinople Empire” of the right wing theosophical political party “La.O.S. - 666” [People’s Orthodox Alert] and “Epsilon Group – 666” Sufist Christiano-Dodecatheists), and out of the mouth of the false prophet (Ioannis Palaiologos Dragazis, as allegedly “Incarnation of God Dionysus - 666”, “Emperor of La.O.S.”, “Neo-Byzantine Empire - 666”, and “New Christ - 666” or “Anti-Christ 666”).
(14.)  For they (these three spirits) are the spirits of devils, (666, colluding spirits of Sin/Sion/Zion/pseudo-Jehovah) working miracles, which go forth (from Sin/Zion) unto the kings of the earth (Governments) and of the whole world (of White and Black nations), to gather them to the battle (Third World War, “Armageddon”) of that great day of God (Dragonian sub-god) the Almighty (…only Moon-mighty and Seven Inner Planets-mighty)._
(16.)  And he gathered them together (The armies and people of White and Black race) into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (in order to annihilate them through the Chinese)”. 

Mongol Hebrews and Saxons, and Tibetans, and Chinese of the Masonic hierarchy “Hong => ZEN => AOA + OTO => MTM” should know that following arrival of Federal Galactic forces to Earth, they will force sterilisation upon terrestrial Yellow Dragonian Chinese-Koreans and semi-Dragonian White-Yellow and Black-Yellow Mongols.  These destructive races are to be finally removed from our planet and their souls transferred to other solar systems under limiting clauses, far away from the thirteen solar systems of Coccyx-Hyperion-Sirius. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

The Chinese Doctrine of the Tiger and Dragon
Devised by the Chinese Draconian terrestrial and space-based staff.  The West is the tiger and China is the dragon.  First, religious-masonic clergy, cartels of East and West (Hong + Zen + AOA + OTO + MTM + Benen Berith [B'nai Brith]), arrange a weak provocative attack by the Tiger against the Dragon.  Finally, the Dragon fights back and destroys everything. 

Hong operated from 1600 - 1900 as the underworld of China.  In 1912, it finally succeeded in overthrowing the Tsing and taking office in China, after the Hinhai revolution.  As the leading member of hyper-lodge Hong, the "democrat" Sun Wen took power.  Since then, Hong has taken full control of external and internal politics of Draconian China, branched as it is virtually everywhere.  It orders and directs the yarn of Western hyper-lodges and sub-lodges through the collusion of Zen Mongolian Tibet (White and Black fraternity), today allegedly exiled in India. 

Why does the flag of Israel and the "Red Jews" Mongol Rothschilds have two interlaced triangles and not one??  The answer lies in the thousands of texts and posts by G.H.Rees and blog ELLHN & CHAOS.  In summary this reflects the collusion of right and left hands or Ankara and Sambala (White & Black brotherhoods) of the intermediate Zen of Tibet-India.  For Hong to run Western Freemasonry effectively and dismantle White and Black nations, existing lodges were branched into positive and negative ie
  • 888, philosophical lodges that follow the right path or point-up triangle of good god and 
  • 666, evil Nazi theosophical lodges that follow the left path or point down triangle of Satan.  
Of course, these are different sides of the same Draconian coin, in which the two collusive "opposite" poles are administered by hyper-lodge Hong.  As Heracletus said, "the opposites are the same".  Hence the opposites of Freemasonry are the same, both coming from the ultimate Draconian Hong of Down Zion.  The opposites of Upper Zion are also the same, coming from the ultimate Draconian Moon.  For these reasons, it is not possible to reverse the inherently good to bad and inherently evil to good.  All Freemasonry is ultimately sociopathic and any appearance of goodness is shallow. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 04 October 2011

Between approximately 9,600 b.d.ch. (when Atlantis was sunk and Greek "gods" departed) and 5,000 b.d.ch. [Before Draconian/Dragonian Christ.  Ed..], Draconian Chinese bandits aka Sine terminators (according to ancient Greek etymology of the word "Sinies" = Chinese) completely cleared Asia of earlier indigenous inhabitants, including Pelasgian Greek Ionians of Yunnan.  (South China still includes "Yunnan" and Mongols Turks call Greece "Yunnanistan", ie the State of Yunnan Ionian Greeks.  Not a single Greek lives in Yunnan today, because all were massacred.) 

The Draconian Chinese genocidal hordes, on orders of their lunar master Tzeint/Jedi/Sendai/Sion, genocided all Yunnan Greek males of Asia and raped the women.  By this means, the schizophrenic White-Yellow hybrids (hubris against nature) were created; the Mongols.  The schizoid phenomenon was discovered in White-Yellow Mongols by French anthropologists in 1920 and labelled "Dobermann" syndrome.  These semi-Draconian genocidal Mongols continued the work of their pure-Yellow Draconian relatives, by gradually genociding White and Black races as they headed West.  Sometimes however, like rabid Doberman dogs, the Mongols attacked to the east against their pure-Yellow Draconian Chinese bosses and genitors!  

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Sunday 21 March 2010

German Archaeological Missions were deported from China without any explanation, after their excavations proved the existence of twelve ancient Hellenic cities inside China.  The Chinese Government ordered the covered with hills of dirt upon which were planted fast growing forest trees.  Today, G.H.Rees reports that “Greek” traitor politicians visit China, but instead of demanding disclosure and excavation of the existing Hellenic antiquities, they bow to the Sinese annihilators of a billion ancient Hellenes and Pelasgians from Asiatic Upper Ionia.  The traitors gain free houses and survival in China, as a reward for their treason. 

Map showing Yunnan Province in South-Western China.

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Dragonians of the Moon sunk both Atlantis and Aegis continents through war with hyper-gravity weapons.  According to Plato, Atlantis in the homonym Atlantic Ocean and Aegis in the Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea; seas first created in 9,600 B.C..  The Dragonians did this for vengeance against Hellenes and to avoid
  • a landing operation and territorial domination by the Andromedian Hellenes of Europe in Atlantis and 
  • capture of the Dragonian Chinese of Atlantis. 
Prior to the murderous sinking, the Chinese of Atlantis were warned by lunar Dragonians, to evacuate Atlantis and settle in the territories of modern China.  The Chinese move into China was followed by massive genocides of male Hellenic Ionians/Yunnans and rapes of the female Hellenes.  Today Southern China is still named Yunnan/Ionia but without living Hellenes, since they were brutally annihilated by the mad humanoid Chinese animals of the Dragonian pseudo-god Jedi. 
Weather Control Technology

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 September 2010

Subject of Post: Confirmed meteorological war of “USA” and China against Russia with purpose the provocation of famine and hunger worldwide and epidemic illnesses in the Russian Federation, preparative to the foundation of the global Chinese dictatorship or “Kingdom of Jehovah”

Greek and other European University Professors of “USA” are researching for the American army.  They and researchers of “Livermore” and analogue “USA” laboratories leaked information that satellite “MASER” (Microwave Amplification by Stimulation Emission of Radiation) weather control technology was delivered a long time ago to the Chinese Army from the American Pentagon, through treasonous Hebrew and Saxon generals of “USA”.  ["USA" refers to America's corrupted administration of USA.  Ed.]

G.H.Rees was informed that Hebrew rabbis and their corresponding Saxon Lords are justifying the use of satellite “LASERS” ("light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation") and “MASERS” for incendiarism of forests and agricultural cultivations against Russia and other nations, by “USA” and by China.  Note application of instructions from “John’s Revelation – New Testament” in chapters about
  • “Fire which drops from the heaven and burns the forests and the grains” (8:7), 
  • “broiling weather which will burn people and plants” (16:8-9), and 
  • “hunger and epidemic illnesses” (6:5-8) 
all of which now threaten Russia, due to polluted drinking water from unburied bodies of humans and animals.

G.H.Rees recommends the immediate organisation of a Ministry of Weather Control and Ministry of Breadstuffs (Grain – Barley – etc) for the Russian domain.  A double network of absorption “MASERS” and emission “MASERS” should be built into Russian areas of agricultural cultivations, in order to intercept low barometric rainfall and high barometric storms at will.  Failure to install the equipment will result in Russian citizens not surviving Chinese and Hebrew-Saxon “NATO” attacks against humanity.

A parallel network of Wilhelm Reich technology should be positioned for orgone emission and absorption, to create corresponding high barometric and low barometric pressures.  This will enable interception of
  • storms provoked by “HAARP” of “USA” and absorption “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China, and 
  • broiling weather provoked by “HAARP” emission “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China.
Storms resulting from low barometric pressures from “HAARP”, such as struck Northwestern Russia after 10 August 2010, must be intercepted by the reverse method given for intercepting broiling weather.  High barometric pressures are provoked by American “HAARP” and “MASER” satellites of “USA” and China.

Emission “MASERs” of counter-clockwise radiation must be situated in erect positions.  Rear reflective “LINK” parabolic elements must be fitted for rectilinear radiation production.  Alternatively, absorption “MASERS” of clockwise radiation must be used in reverse position, with the rear reflective “LINK” parabolic element for rectilinear radiation production disassembled. 

Meteorological war as pre-emptive strikes of the Third World War, entail
  • artificial broiling weather and storms, and 
  • incediarism of forests and agricultural cultivations 
against Russia and other countries of the planet.  Pause in the use of “HAARP” (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) in Alaska and Northern Europe, and satellite “MASERS” and “LASERS” of “USA” and of China must be achieved. 

The objective is to break-up nations from famine, epidemic illnesses, and lack of drinking water, prior to their complete annihilation by the armies of China “888” and Korea “777” in the Third World War or “Armageddon”: A war to end all wars, conspiratorially designed by the “USA” of America and China.  According to the “Talmud”, five-billion Whites, Blacks, and Mongolians are to be genocided, after which a global Chinese dictatorship government is to be formed in Shanghai.  Only the pure-Yellow race of China is to survive in the new “Kingdom of Jehovah”. 

[Readers might give consideration to the topic of geological warfare.  Ed.]

Tuesday 15 November 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 01 January 2011

Masonic overlodges collude for ignition of the third world war, the race war to end all wars:
  • Hong of China or 888, 
  • Kore First of North Korea or 777 First, 
  • Kore Second of South Korea or 777 Second, 
  • Zen of Japan 666, 
  • A.O.A. or Overlodge of London Adeptis Ordo Atlantis of the Hebrew-Saxons of England 666, 
  • O.T.O. or Ordo Templis Occidentis of the Hebrew-Saxons of England 666, 
  • Great Oak's lodge of the Hebrew-Saxons of USA 666, and 
  • Golden Dawn of Brussels of Belgium 666.  
A local war between North and South Korea is to have the final purpose of genociding all White and Black nations, that is five billion humans, two-thirds of Earth's population.  The only survivors are to be two-and-a-half billion individuals of the Yellow Chinese population including Koreans, [Mongolian Jews, and Saxons will be killed later.  Ed.].  These populations will inhabit the planetary empire of Jehovah's Kingdom or Sin/Sion/Zion/Sina/Jedi/Sedi/Jude, Dragonian Kingdom, Lunar Kingdom, Moon Kingdom, or New World Order 888.  [Realisation of the North and South Korea scenario seems unlikely, given the need for a Chinese Christian scenario favouring "John's" Biblical Revelations e.g. Rev. 16:12 and 9:14-18.  Ed.]

G.H.Rees subsequently requested the General Assembly and Security Council of the United Nations for immediate expulsion of China, North Korea and South Korea from United Nations.  They also asked for top-urgent cancellation and interruption of all educational, cultural, defensive, trade, and financial relations and agreements between the nations of the U.N. and the three aforementioned provocative-genocidal nations. 

The U.N. General Assembly is requested to immediately dismiss and overthrow its Korean U.N. General Secretary as a potential schemer of the third world war and criminal against humanity, Ban Ki-moon.  He is operating as a 777 [777-A and 777-B respectively are geostrategic codes for North and South Korea.  Ed.] proposer for the transition of world power from axis 666 (USA-Europe-Japan) to China and United Korea 888, through the third world war and genocide of five billion human beings not belonging racially to the pure-Yellow Dragonian race. 

Finally, G.H.Rees asks honourable, patriotic members of secret agencies, armed forces and law enforcement in American and European nations to immediately impose death penalties upon all freemasons and members of U.S. and European governments, excepting U.S. President Barack Obama.  They are conscious traitors who have committed treason and high treason against their nations.  Freemasons operate under orders from Chinese hyper-lodge Hong, which attempts to provoke the third world war through "NATO" (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and U.S. Naval fleet assaults.  Any resulting Chinese and North Korean counter-attack will result in the deaths of five billion people not of the pure-Yellow race. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Saturday 10 April 2010

According to “Hong's” scheme, the Chinese and the Korean Army have planned to genocide all the Mongols of the planet, namely Hebrews, Tatars and Mongols of Russia.  Mongols are Yellow-Whites or Yellow-Blacks, considered by the pure-Yellow Chinese to be racially impure abominations polluted by the blood of the White race. 

Countries do not form coalitions according to their faith in some chosen political system or globalization model (666 West, or 777 Korea, or 888 China), but instead according to violent compulsory forcing of globalisation models.  For example, the "666" Hebrew-masonic and Saxon-masonic governments of all Western countries are forced by the Masonic hierarchical line:
  • “HONG China” => 
  • “ZEN Tibet” => 
  • “AOA” (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis) of London. 
Colluding "777" pure-Yellow governments of North and South Korea comprise members directly initiated to hyper-lodge “Hong” 888 of China, while Hebrew-Mongolic governments 888 of Russia are under orders of the “Baruch” family arch-rabbis of the “USA”:
  • “HONG China” => 
  • “ZEN Tibet” => 
  • “AOA London” => 
  • Great Oak’s Lodge of New York USA => 
  • arch-rabbis “Baruch” of USA and crypto-Hebrew priesthoods of the Shiite 888 of Iran, Southern Iraq, Pakistan, and all countries under Islamic Shiite heresy.
The third world war is planned by the masonic Hyperlodge “Hong” of China, under the para-psychological guidance of Dragonian lunar spirits under Chinese space invader Sin/Sion/Zion/Zedi/Jedi/Sedi/Jeid/Jude/Judas who came from the constellation of Draco.  His intention is not to determine the spiritual, political, and economic base of "New World Order 888", but to annihilate the White and Black races, White-Yellow (Hebrews, Saxons, Tatars, etc.) and Black-Yellow (Indonesians, etc.) Mongol races of the planet.  Following victory by the pure-Yellow annihilator armies of China and Korea, raw and valuable materials will be completely removed from the planet to the departing hybrid spaceship Moon (Read Links: http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/2010/02/fairy-tale-for-adults.html , http://hellenandchaos.blogspot.com/2010/02/john-lear-2007-disclosures-already.html , http://ellhnkaichaos.blogspot.com/2010/03/blog-post_19.html). 

The lunar Dragonian Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture” in Psalms 72:7 speaks of “Antanairesis-Ανταναιρέσεως” namely for the programmed “Departure” of the Moon from the Earth’s orbit after the transportation of the Earth’s raw materials [Later versions of Psalm 72:7 appear to merely hint at this point.  Ed.].  Also to be read in Dragonian “Holy Scripture” are Revelations, “Apocalypse 9:13-16 and 16:12-16” about the programmed assault of the Chinese army of 200,000,000 soldiers for the genocide of all the non pure-Yellow people.  That is two-thirds of the global population of today’s seven-and-a-half-billion.  Following transportation of all Earth’s raw materials into the Moon and Dragonian starfleet, the redundant two-and-a-half-billion pure-Yellow Chinese and Koreans will also be destroyed. 

Establishment of the multi-polar "New World Order 888” is impossible, due to
  • contradictions and competition of basic ideologies and 
  • transcendental religious infrastructure between 
the three poles of the “R.I.C.” axis: Moscow-Beijing-Mecca of Arabia [with its cubical stone “Kaaba” as a miniature of lunar cubical Jerusalem (Upper Zion) that imprisons Earth’s souls (Read “Apocalypse 21:10-17”)].  For example, Beijing follows racist, warmongering, genocidal Chinese Sinism that is against everyone without pure-Yellow blood. 

If people wish to survive, they must totally and without exceptions cease practicing spiritualism.  All gangs of spirits, despite their apparent conflicts with each other, have been deceptively colluding toward annihilation of other races on the planet for thousands years.  They are Dragonian lunar spirits commanded by the pseudo-God Sin/Sion/Zion/Zendi/Jedi/Sedi of the Moon. 

Earthly priesthoods are besotted with the Dragonian spirits established within all contrary
  • religions (888 vs 666, etc), 
  • political ideologies (Capitalism, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Democracy, etc.), 
  • economic systems, and 
  • military pacts (NATO, Shanghai Pact, etc) of our Planet. 
The spirit's end purpose is division and genocide of all Earth's races, nations, and states by armies of the Dragonian pure-Yellow race in the Chinese “Armageddon” of Dragonian Judeo-Christian “Holy Scripture”.  According to G.H.Rees research, planet Earth has become a theater of war; a projection of the space war between the “Constellation of Andromeda” and “hyper solar system of Sirius” against the “Constellation of Draco”. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 16 February 2010

Timeline of Third World War

Ιnsufficient space and time, force us to provide you only with “telegraphic findings of our research”:

The dynamics of world war (W.W.) has remained the same for 13,500 years and is indicated through offensive provocations by Mongol leaderships of the White Race (W.R.) against Asiatic Yellow races (Y.R.) – DRANG NACH OSTEN (note: Pressure – Provocative Push – to the East).  By counterattacking, Y.R. moves toward territories West dominated by the W.R..  The purpose of W.W. was and is annihilation/genocide of W.R., the Black race, and survival and total dominance by only Y.R.. 

Philo-Pelasgian V.I.S.P. (Visible and Invisible Space Powers) Andromedians are to be positioned before total annihilation of W.R. and thus before a vain assault that has no political objective.  The philo-Sinic, philo-Hebrew V.I.S.P. has already
caused two world wars in the 20th Century (1914, 1940) and
attempted a third World War in 1975 (cancelled), and is
again attempting ignition of the third World War as a final “time-expired” W.W. for annihilation of all terran races except Y.R.. 

[The First World War was caused by the assassination of F. Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by the Hebrew-Bosnian Gabriel Princip, a member of the Israeli community of Bosnia.  Hebrew-Saxon “Historians” falsely recorded that the assassin was a Bosnian-Serb under the command of the Serbian colonel Dragutin, chief of the Serbian Secret Intelligence Service.

The Second World War began when the Third Reich undertook Polish border violations under Hitler/Hisler, who was the illegitimate son of Jewish banker Rothschild of Frankfurt, supported financially by the German-Jew bankers Loeb, Baum, Rothschild etc..  Mueller is the Jewish-German substitute name for Hitler, whose teachers were all Bavarian-Hebrews (Mongols) having served as “Lama” teachers in Tibet: Karl Haushoffer, Lincoln von Trebits (initiated into the supreme Dragonian hyper-lodge, Hong of Sin/Sin/China), Hannussen, etc, (read book: Nazism Secret Society).  Through Freemasonry's Israelo-Saxonic theosophical “Golden Dawn” lodge and its commanding Masonic “O.T.O.” (Ordo Templis Orientis) in London, arch rabbis became war criminal creators of W.W.II.

All Earth's wars were provoked by “oracles and prophecies” and “auguries” of colluding pre-Christian and Christian, Judean, Islamic, Taoist, Shinto, Buddhist, Lama Priesthoods.  After 1,700 A.M.H.C. (After Mongol Hebrew Christ), all wars were provoked and ordered by the hierarchy of “Secret Societies” through, masonic hyper-lodges:
  • “Hong”, China => 
  • “Zen”, Tibet and India => 
  • “+/- AOA & +/- OTO” London, England => 
  • Ethnic hyper-lodges “MTM”, such as “+/- MTM - Greece”.] 

Friday 11 November 2016


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Thursday 23 February 2012

‘Vimanas’ is the name given to the mainly scientific spaceships of Zeus (‘Flying Chariots of the Gods’) by Indian Dravidians.  Around 9,600 B.C., the time that Atlantis was sunk, these ships were outnumbered by the larger attackers of the pirate Selenian astrofleet. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 03 September 2010

Long ago, there was a revolt against the Galactic Federal Government and especially the Government of the third Galactic Dodecahedron as sub-Federal Government of about 70,000,000,000 solar systems (from a total of about 200,000,000,000 solar systems of the three Dodecahedrons of our local galaxy), which is the Dodecahedron of maximum galactic inspissations based in our local galaxy, Andromeda - the metropolitan area of origin of Earth's White race that arrived aboard interstellar spaceships or “vimanas”, according to the terminology of ancient Hindu scripts.  The revolt was a conspiracy by the
  • constellation of Boötes,
  • constellation of the Draco, 
  • constellation of the Cetus and 
  • some other local Constellations.

The Draconian flagships Selene and Lilith were forced to abandon the constellation of Arcturus because of the collapse and death of the Epsilon Bootes system'sun.  For rescued populations from the planets of E’Bootes, they searched for refuge and survival in a new planetary system.  There was a fortunate opportunity, because after their arrival in our planetary system, they didn’t encounter unified forces of Galactic Government ships.  Instead, there was a situation of conflict between the leader of the planet Saturn who overthrew galactic representatives of the Uranides from planet Uranus and the leader of planet Jupiter (Zeus).  Zeus counterattacked Saturn in order to reconnect the present planetary system with the Central Galactic Authority. (Read Hesiod Theogony about the conflicts of the dynasties of Uranus against Saturn.) 

In the local space war that followed, Draconian Yahweh (YHWH/Metatron/Sion etc.), commander of flagship Selene, enlisted forces of Saturn previously defeated by Zeus and all Earthly Saturnian priesthoods. Zeus enlisted forces of the Uranides and their corresponding Earthly priesthoods. A chaotic situation followed, in which the camp of Zeus contained overchthonian forces of Uranus and Jupiter, chthonian forces of Uranus, and underchthonian forces of Uranides rescued after initial defeated by Saturn.

Geological alternations followed the sinking of Atlantis by Selene's gravity cannons, resulting in the destruction of opposing European and Hellenic Atlantian armies - see Timaios and Kritias by Plato; a book that makes it possible for Andromedian Hellenes to investigate their history.  Hesiod’s Theogony also clearly mentions the conflict between the Uranides, Cronos (Saturn), and Zeus. 

Knowledge granted to masons in chief rabbinical initiations concerns the strategic need for underchthonian Centaurian Cronians [Andromedian traitors of Saturn who allied themselves to the Draconians, but were initially defeated by Zeus' forces. Ed.] and underchthonian Atlantians to pose as underchthonians of Zeus and underchthonian Uranides of inner Earth.  The latter forces would thereby be blamed for evils of the forces of the abyss or underworld, through corrupting and degenerating transmissions to Earthlings on the surface. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Monday 23 May 2011

Moon came to our solar system around 20,000 B.C., when there was a legal Andromedian Government in our system - the Uranides or Varuna Dynasty (See: Hindu Scripts).  Uranides means "People that came from the Sky" = Skylings.  The Uranide ruling dynasty consisted mainly of Zeus (Diaus Pitar in Sanskrit) and Saturn-Cronus factions.  By the time moon entered in our solar system there was a civil space war between Zeus and Cronus (See ancient Hellenic myths, Hesiods' theogony, Titans clash etc).  Zeus made a temporary win against the mutineer Saturn-Cronus-Savaoth/Sabbaoth faction and confined the rebellious Cronians to prison-like places, like Underground Tartars. 

Some mutineer Cronians managed to escape from Tartars and quickly made an alliance with the reptilian Draconians of the Moon against the Uranides of Zeus.  In big monotheistic religions, the Draconian leader El Sendai would subsequently be referred to along with Cronus-Saturn-Savaoth as a common "Universal God": Lord Yahweh (Sendai in Mongol-Hebrew or Jendai-Jade in Chinese) and Lord Savaoth/Sabbaoth (Saturn).  In a mega-fraud of religious manipulation, the Draconians and Cronians used their hyper-technology to create "God"! 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Tuesday 16 December 2010

The piratical, criminal V.I.S.P. (Visible – Invisible Space Powers) are based locally on a neighbouring stellar body (Moon), which entered our solar system about 11,500 B.C. [Typo!  Read 20,000 B.C., but gained stable orbit around Earth in 11,500 B.C..  Ed.].  These forces attacked pre-existing V.I.S.P. Andromedians, friendly to the White Andromedian Pelasgian Terran race.  Decodification of ancient Hellenic texts reveals a coalition between the Draconian invaders and V.I.S.P. Cronian Saturnians against the V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus coalition; incorrectly referred to in the specialized press of America as the “Dragonian Empire”. 

To avoid total destruction of the external surface of Earth in a space war, the defensive V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus retreated tactically into the internal cavity of the planet (read: “Hollow Earth” theory) from North and South Pole openings.  They also retreated to the four external planets of our solar system.

V.I.S.P. Sin-Yahweh Bootide-Cronians self-installed into underground cavities of the Earth’s external surface (crust), from where they operate as the alleged Hellenic “Dodecatheon” and later as “Demons” of known idolatry and Satanism.  V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus of the inner Earth are to be falsely labelled “Devil – Demons” and blamed for corrupting the planet.  

Decodification of ancient Hebrew texts and latest instructions of Hebrew-Saxon lodges to their top members reveals that the philo-Sinic, philo-Hebrew V.I.S.P. Bootes-Snake-Draco-Cronian alliance will receive an overpowering war assault by a superior Andromedian V.I.S.P..  Forces friendly to the coalition of V.I.S.P. Uranides-Zeus and the Pelasgian White race intend to restore the planet to justice conditions that prevailed prior to 11,500 B.C.. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 28 August 2015

The Draconian Satan, Sin/Sion/Zion/Sendai/Jendai/Jade/Judas of the spaceship Moon (Levan) is the spaceborn Chinese reptilian arch-villain and local suzerain.  He is creator of the genociding terrestrial Draconian Chinese who first disembarked to Earth (Atlantis) some 13,500 years ago, when the Draconian Moon gained stable orbit around Earth.  A world war between the Athenian Empire and Chinese Atlantian forces began, but due to Athenian success, Sion intervened in support of his spawn by initiating a local space war between the Draconian-Cronians alliance (Yahweh / Savaoth) mutineers and Uranides / Zeus Hellenic Andromedian forces loyal to the lawful Galactic Government. 

From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Wednesday 17 November 2010

A long time ago, G.H.Rees revealed that Vrill/Greys/Orionids are cooperating closely with lunar Dragonian forces from the Boötes constellation, mostly occupying underground lodges of the external surface.  See the old G.H.Rees chart of the inner-outer Earth, which shows positions of the Grey-Cronian-Dragonian faction and remaining forces of Federal Andromedians who withdrew to inner Earth.  This withdrawl coincided with departure of former Andromedian Planetary Governmental forces(Uranides (“Varuna”) – Zeus/Uranus), around the time of the grand Athenian-Atlantean global war and parallel local space war in 9.600 B.C.. 


From Hellen and Chaos' blog, Friday 30 July 2010

Research ancient Hindu texts about space wars between the pre-existing “Solar Deities” of Father Zeus/Diaus Pitar of the Varuna dynasty/Uranides of Andromeda, celestials who came from Uranus [whom in disgraceful Draconian religious writings is called Devil and Satan], and “Lunar Deities” of the Dragonian/Draco Sin/Sion/Zion/Jedi/Sedi/Jude/Judas.  Zion is worshipped as the alleged “Being” or “Y.H.W.H.”/“Yahweh” in Hebrew, by Hebrews, Chinese, and Koreans.  Rabbis took the Israeli alphabet proving that they are Mongols. 

As “God Father” of the Mongol White-Yellow rabbi/medium/Dragonian magician Jesus Christ or Yehosoua or Yehosuva (=Yahweh’s Saviour), Zion genocided White and Black race Christians.  Research ancient Hellenic texts such as “The Arcadians” of the historian-geographer Pausanias, in which it is certified that “Hellenic Arcadians were pro-Selenes or pre-lunar people”, namely inhabitants of Earth before arrival of the Dragonian Moon.